"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." - Benjamin Franklin
*HCMIP affiliation only, visit Google Scholar profile of each member for more.
Lan Nguyen Tran, “Can second-order perturbation theory accurately predict electron density of open-shell molecules? The importance of self-consistency”, arXiv:2203.16700, 2022
Peer-reviewed papers
Chuong Quoc Nguyen, Le Bin Ho, Lan Nguyen Tran, Hung Quoc Nguyen, “Qsun: an open-source platform towards practical quantum machine learning applications”,Machine Learning: Science and Technology 3 015034, 2022
Duc M Tran, Duy V Nguyen, Le Bin Ho, Hung Q Nguyen, “Experimenting quantum phenomena on NISQ computers using high level quantum programming”, EPJ Quantum Technology 9 6, 2022
Lan Nguyen Tran, “Improving perturbation theory for open-shell molecules via self-consistency”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125 9242, 2021
Kieu Quang Tuan, Hung Q Nguyen, and Le Bin Ho, “Direct state measurements under state-preparation-and-measurement errors”, Quantum Information Processing 20, 197, 2021
Le Bin Ho , Kieu Quang Tuan, and Hung Q Nguyen, “tqix: A toolbox for Quantum in X: Quantum measurement, quantum tomography, quantum metrology, and others”, Computer Physics Communications 263 107902, 2021
Nguyen Thanh Hoang , Nguyen Manh Tuan, “Investigation of Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Poly (glycidyl methacrylate) Microspheres: Experimental and Theoretical”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Article ID 6676453, 2021
Before 2021
Lan Nguyen Tran, E. Neuscamman, “Improving excited state potential energy surfaces via optimal orbital shapes”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124 8273, 2020
Le Bin Ho, “Systematic errors in direct state measurements with quantum controlled measurements” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53 115501, 2020
Lan Nguyen Tran, J. A. R. Shea, E. Neuscamman, “Tracking excited states in wave function optimization using density matrices and varia- tional principles”, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 4790, 2019
Le Bin Ho and Lan Nguyen Tran, “Tunable cloaking of Mexican-hat confined states in bilayer silicene”, Communications in Physics 29 215, 2019
Le Bin Ho, “Continuous-monitoring measured signals bounded by past and future conditions in enlarged quantum systems”, Quantum Information Processing 18 206, 2019
Le Bin Ho, “Improving direct state measurements by using rebits in real enlarged Hilbert spaces”, Physics Letter A 383 289, 2019
A. A. Rusakov, S. Iskakov, Lan Nguyen Tran, and D. Zgid, “Self-energy embedding theory (SEET) for periodic systems”, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 229, 2018
Duyen Bich Nguyen and Lan Nguyen Tran, “Assessment of Electrocatalytic Performance of Metal-Free C-doped BN Nanoflakes for Oxygen Reduction and Hydrogen Evolution Reactions: A Comparative Study”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 21124, 2018
Lan Nguyen Tran, S. Iskakov, and D. Zgid, “Spin-unrestricted self-energy embedding theory”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 4444, 2018
Lan Nguyen Tran and D. Zgid, “Generalized self-energy embedding theory”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 2200, 2017
Lan Nguyen Tran, A. Shee, J. Li, E. Gull, and D. Zgid, “Testing self-energy embedding theory in combination with GW”, Physical Review B 96 155106, 2017
Mario Motta, David M Ceperley, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, John A Gomez, Emanuel Gull, Sheng Guo, Carlos A Jiménez-Hoyos, Lan Nguyen Tran, Jia Li, Fengjie Ma, Andrew J Millis, Nikolay V Prokof’ev, Ushnish Ray, Gustavo E Scuseria, Sandro Sorella, Edwin M Stoudenmire, Qiming Sun, Igor S Tupitsyn, Steven R White, Dominika Zgid, Shiwei Zhang, “Towards the solution of the many-electron problem in real materials: Equation of state of the hydrogen chain with state-of-the-art many-body methods”, Physical Review X 7 031059, 2017
Le Bin Ho and Lan Nguyen Tran, “Photoenhanced spin/valley polarization and tunneling magnetoresistance in a ferromagnetic-normal-ferromagnetic silicene junction”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49, 375106, 2016
Lan Nguyen Tran, Le Bin Ho, and Tran Hoang Hai, “Electronic, magnetic, and spin-polarized transport properties of hybrid graphene/boron-nitride nanoribbons having 5-8-5 line defects at the heterojunction”, Physica Status Solidi B 252 573, 2015
Lan Nguyen Tran, “Electronic transport properties of molecular junctions based on the direct binding of aromatic ring to electrodes”, Chemical Physics 428 53, 2014
Le Bin Ho, Lan Nguyen Tran, and Tran Hoang Hai, “Monte Carlo simulations of core/shell nanoparticles containing interfacial defects: Role of disordered ferromagnetic spins”, Physica B 430 10, 2013
Books and book chapters
Le Bin Ho (editor), “Hilbert spaces: Properties and Applications”, Nova Science Publisher (2020)
Lan Nguyen Tran et al. (contributed chapter), “Magnetic nanoparticles: properties, synthesis, and applications”, Eds: B. Acklin and E. Lautens, Nova Science Publisher (2012)
Lan Nguyen Tran and Tran Hoang Hai (contributed chapter), “Applications of Monte Carlo Method in Science and Engineering”, Ed: S Mordechai, Intech Publisher (2011)
Selected talks
under construction